Tuesday, November 5, 2024

"Sanaatan Vedic Dharm" and Bhaarat

Sanaatan means eternal. Dharm means duties and responsibilities. "Sanaatan Vedic Dharm" is the most ancient religion. It tells us the way of life as mentioned in the Veds. Ved means knowledge. Ved is derived from Vid, which means "to know." The Veds are the "Sanaatan Gyan," or eternal knowledge, of "Sanaatan Dharm," or eternal religion. The Veds are Shruti (what one listens to). Some of the blessed ancient sages who went into deep meditation listened to the "apauruá¹£eya" (not a man). The Veds are a divine revelation.

"Hindus" and "Hinduism" were coined by the invaders of this subcontinent. They called the people of this subcontinent "Sindhus," those who live on the other side of the river Sindhu. Some of them pronounced the consonant "s" as "h," so from "Sindhus," it became "Hindus." They also called this subcontinent "Hindustan." So "Hindu" is merely a geographical identity given by the invaders of this subcontinent. It has got nothing to do with religion.

The colonisers called this subcontinent "India," derived from the river "Indus." They further claimed that India was not a country until they did us a favour by colonising us.

Long before the invaders and colonisers, this subcontinent was known as "Bhaarat," derived from the ancient Emperor by the name "Bharat," who conquered the entire subcontinent.

The West may choose to call us whatever they fancy dwelling in their castle of ego. The name of our country is "Bhaarat," not India, and the people are "Bhaaratiyas," not Hindustanis, Hindus, or Indians.

Country: "Bhaarat"

People: "Bhaaratiyas"

Religion: There are many religions practiced in "Bhaarat." The most ancient religion is "Sanaatan Vedic."

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